Welcome to the Texas Wrestling Officials Association website for the Gulf Coast chapter. We proudly serve the most populous region in Texas … an area bordered by Bryan/College Station, Huntsville, Beaumont, Galveston, Victoria and Katy. Our membership is a diverse group … experienced officials from all parts of the United States … and most of our officials are from right here in the Houston area!
Our mission is simple – to provide the Gulf Coast Region with trained, experienced and professional wrestling officials for every level of competition. This season we’ll service more than 90 wrestling programs and provide officials to over 300 events. In regard to experience, our chapter is one of the top-represented associations at the UIL Texas State Wrestling Tournament. In addition, a few of our officials have collegiate officiating experience … including NCAA Division I & II regular season events and the NCWA National Championship Finals.
And, finally, we’d love to hear from you! To submit your questions, comments or suggestions, simply fill out the form to the right … we’ll be back in contact with you as soon as possible.
Daniel Rawson
President – TWOA Gulf Coast