Referee Feedback Required fields noted with an asterisk (*) Please leave this field empty. Basic Information Referee Name: * Event Description: * Event Date: * Event Video Link: Evaluator Name: * Evaluator Email: * Feedback Select N/A if you aren't able to provide a rating Criteria Rating * Comments (60 Char Max - Addt'l Comments Below) Rule Interpretation, Application & Judgment —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Mechanics, Positioning, Anticipation & Movement —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Edge of Mat Calls & Determining Control —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Confidence, Decisiveness & Courage Making Calls —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Fairness, Consistency & Impartiality Making Calls —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Stalling Recognition & Proper Application —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Clear & Decisive Signals (Visual & Verbal) —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Professionalism – Dealing w/Coaches & Athletes —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Overall Competency & Performance Rating —Please choose an option—ExcellentVery GoodAverageBelow AveragePoorN/A Summary Include comments that provide a more complete assessment ... This feedback is usually the most valuable. General Comments Strengths Areas For Improvement File Attachments (10mb Max Each) File Attachment #1: File Attachment #2: Sharing & Security Share feedback with the referee? * —Please choose an option—YesNoDoesn't matter! Please input this code: * Δ